update blog setahun 2kali hape...last menaip bulan 3...
ok, ni aku nak share ape yg aku jumpa dlm website Maybank2u...korang ble cek-it-daud sendiri kat bahagian 'highlights' dia...
"Discontinuation of Physical Gold Wafers
Dear Valued Customer,
With effect from 16 May 2011, Gold Savings Passbook Account (GSPA) has been renamed as Maybank Gold Investment Account (MGIA). In line with MGIA's enhanced features, existing GSPA accountholders who wish to withdraw from their account in a form of gold wafer may do so, subject to availability as per Clause 16.2 of theGSPA Agreement with a premium charge applicable. Accountholders have until 2 September 2011 to withdraw in the form of wafers, after which the available options of payment will only be in the form of cash or credit into their accounts.
For GSPA accountholders who are holding Maybank gold wafers, you may convert the gold wafers to cash or credit them to your account at the prevailing market price at selected Maybank branches from now till 2 September 2011. The selected Maybank branches are listed below:
Kuala Lumpur Main | Penang Main | Kuantan Main |
Bukit Bintang | Alor Star Main | Seremban |
Kota Bahru Main | Malacca Main | Shah Alam |
Tawau | Ipoh Main | Wisma Satok |
Kota Kinabalu | Lahad Datu |
Should you still wish to have the option of retaining the gold in physical form, we would suggest that you opt to purchase the Kijang Emas gold coin issued by Bank Negara Malaysia which is available at selected Maybank branches.
Thank you."
ok, kat sini aku ade 2 concern:yg ke-tama...
- dia kuarkan notis ni pada bulan Aug'11 tapik dlm notis dia kata, "bermula pada 16 Mei 2011...", so aku pun cek kat bulan Mei punye notis,hmm...mmg takde pape...so maknanya notis dia mmg dikuarkan pada bulan Aug'11 ker?? (sila sahkan jika aku salah,dan sementara aku menaip dan takde org nak sahkan, aku nak komen dulu ye) so maknenya kat sini jugak, its the very the shortest notis laa...betui tak??? so (lagi), org dah takbole nak tukar GSPA (now known as MGIA) diorg kepada gold wafer lagi....kalau nak pun dah tak sempat...sbb tarikh tamat dia 2 Sept'11...so (lagi???), takde la chance sesapa nak jadikkan wafer maybank tu sbg collector series...sape ade rupa wajah wafer maybank tu ble la share kat sini ye...
yg ke-dua...
- sementelah harga emas dunia tgh naik gile2 time tu (bulan Ogos tu lah..) iaitu dari 1600/oz kpd 1900/oz dlm masa sebulan, time tu jugaklah dia buat discontinuation (pemberhentian)???...haih?? dah abis ke emas maybank??? takkan takde org trade-in balik??? org sume dok sibuk jual emas fizikal, dia (Maybank) lebih menggalakkan org simpan dlm buku akaun plak...dah la takde PIDM protection...pastu siap bagi nasihat lagi, jika lepas 2hb Sep'11 org nak jual semula wafer maybank tu, dia suh kita jual kat memane authorised gold resellers plak, Maybank tak nak terima lagi...hahhaaahahaah lawak tul laa..
huhu...ape tanda nya tu??? Lu pisang lah sendiri!!!
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